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 Of the many definitions of spirituality, Sandra Schneiders provides one of the most encompassing:Spirituality is “the experience of consciously striving to integrate one’s life in terms not of isolation and self-absorption but of self-transcendence toward the ultimate value one perceives”.


For Christians, the ultimate concern is God revealed in Jesus Christ, and experienced through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Self-transcendence moves one out of compulsive, addictive, obsessive patterns of behavior toward more healthy relationships with oneself, other persons, and God.  


In short, Christian spirituality is the conscious human response to God that is both personal and ecclesial – it is life in the Spirit


This article covers ten aspects of Christian spirituality as follows:


1. Immanence of God 

2. Liberating God-consciousness 

3. God’s relation to creation 

4. Grace 

5. Historical affirmation 

6. Totality of Christian experience 

7. Contemplation in action 

8. Social justice 

9. Reconciliatory approach 

10. Inclusiveness 


In sum, Christian spirituality (the spiritual life) is at the same time experiential, apostolic, sacramental, incarnational, Trinitarian, christological, ecclesial, and ecumenical.  


The challenge is to maintain a balanced Christian spirituality that has a proper sense of the transcendence of God. Today, 21st-century humanity has a profound and authentic desire for wholeness in the midst of fragmentation, for community in the face of isolation and loneliness, for liberating transcendence, for meaning in life, and for values that endure.  


Human beings are spirit in the world and it is through an integral Christian spirituality that their “hungering and thirsting” can be satisfied and quenched. 



Sandra Schneiders, “Spirituality in the Academy”, Theological Studies 50 (1989): 684.  

William Thompson, “Spirituality, Spiritual Development and Holiness”, Review for Religious 51, no. 5 (1992): 648. 

Philip Sheldrake, Spirituality and History: Questions of Interpretation and Method (London: SPCK, 1991), 37. 

James Bacik, “Contemporary Spirituality”, in The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, ed. Michael Downey (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1993), 220.



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as life lived in the Spirit of God
can enable you to:

    ·  Address your hunger for depth and meaning in life.


·  Live with greater love, peace, and joy.

·  Better navigate all of life’s circumstances.

·  Experience life more fully and abundantly.

·  Move from self-centredness to more God-centredness.

·  Appreciate the interconnectedness of all life.




The vision experience of the world is but a projection of our mind and the reflection of our inner thoughts. As the thought, so the vision. The colour of the glasses you wear determines the colour of what you see. If you wear red glasses, everything will appear red. If you wear green glasses, everything will be green. Pure thoughts make the world appear pure. If you view things with love and a loving heart, the whole world will appear a reflection of love. (Satha Sai Speaks, Vol. 15, p. 39)

Similar thought: "As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man" (Proverbs 27:19, NIV).



Visitors may also enjoy three sites created by my wife, Eva.

Weaves spirituality themes into its content and includes breathtaking photos from nature.

Presents the essential Christian message in Q & A style, guiding seekers toward life eternal.

Features the theme of seeing in the ordinary, the extraordinary; in the daily, the holy; in the routine, the rare.


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 What Is Spirituality?
 Definitions of Spirituality
 Christian Spirituality
 Spirituality and Human Existence
 A Broader View of Spirituality
 Descriptions of Spirituality
 Reaching One's Potential
 Authentic Christian Spirituality
 What Is Christian Spirituality
 Three Elements of Spirituality
 Spirituality and Religion
 Nature of Spirituality and Religion
 Community Aspect of Spirituality
 The Cycle of Spirituality
 Spiritual Traditions
 Spiritual Classics
 Site Map



When the night grows chill, don't you draw the blanket closer around you? So, when grief assails you, draw the warmth of the Name of the Lord closer around your mind. (Satha Sai Speaks, Vol. 4, p. 33)

Similar thought: "Our help is in the name of the LORD" (Psalm 124:8, NIV).