Spirituality relates to one’s personal experience and one's relationship with the Divine.
Spirituality goes deep
into the heart of every matter and extends beyond the physical world of existence. It brings one in touch
with the great eternal nature of life. Spirituality involves an awareness of a profoundly powerful and divine
force that is present in this universe and in humans. As stated, spirituality reaches beyond the boundaries of
the physical world. Due to its ineffable characteristics, the nature of spirituality is at times difficult to
describe in ordinary, everyday terms.
One of the main elements of spirituality is self-knowledge. From exploring the self, one moves into a deeper spiritual view of who
one genuinely is. And, as one’s personal spiritual understanding increases, every aspect of life is affected.
Self-knowledge also inevitably results in soul-searching questions such as: “Why am I here on this earth? What am I
supposed to do? Where am I ultimately going?”
An awareness of
spirituality arises when a person begins to:
• Make their
relationship with the Divine more important than their relationships with this world.
• Recognize their true
inheritance and divine birthright as a valuable human being.
• Achieve an ability to
see the spiritual even in the ordinary.
• Stay aware of the
divine nature of life as they move through events and experiences with faith, optimism, and an unfettered
• Remember that there is
infinitely more to themselves and everything else than can be known by their mind and senses.
• Experience a higher
universal love and respect for all, instead of only feeling connected with certain people.
• Be conscious of the
subtle power of grace that pulsates behind the physical appearance of their life.
Photo credit: Intellimon
Source: Adapted from Sharon
Janis (aka Kumuda), Spirituality
for Dummies, 2d ed. (Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.,
2008), 12, 19-20.