1. Forgiveness can free us from the imprisonment of fear and anger that we have imposed on our
2. It releases us from our need and hope to change the past. When we forgive, our wounds of past grievances are cleansed and
3. Suddenly we experience the
reality of God’s love. In that reality, there is only love, nothing else. In that reality, there
is never anything to forgive.
4. Forgiveness is the way out
of darkness and into the light.
5. It allows us to escape the
shadow of the past, whether the shadow is our own or another person’s.
6. We can look upon forgiveness as a journey across an imaginary bridge from a world where we are
always recycling our anger to a place of
peace. That journey takes us into our own spiritual essence and the heart of God. It takes us into a new world of
expanding, unconditional love.
7. Through forgiveness, we receive all that our hearts could ever want. We are released from our
fear, anger, and pain to experience oneness with each other, and our spiritual Source.
8. To forgive is to feel the compassion, gentleness, tenderness, and caring that is always within
our hearts, no matter how the world may seem at the moment. Forgiveness is the way to a place of inner peace
and happiness, the way to our soul. That place of peace is always available to us, always ready to
welcome us in. If, for the moment, we don’t see the welcome sign, it is because it is hidden by our own
attachment to anger.
9. Somehow, there is a part of us that believes we can get the peace of mind we seek by holding on to hatred, or anger, or pain.
There’s a part which says that we must protect ourselves and that we can achieve happiness and peace of mind
by being attached to hatred and seeking revenge. There’s a part of us that says we must withdraw and withhold
our love and our joy because we have been hurt in the past.
10. From the perspective of Love and Spirit, forgiveness is the willingness to let go of the hurtful
past. It is the decision to no longer suffer, to heal one’s heart and soul. It is the choice to no longer
find value in hatred or anger. And it is letting go of the desire to hurt others or ourselves because of
something that is already in the past. It is the willingness to open our eyes to the light in other people rather than to judge
or condemn them.
Source: Notes excerpted and based on – Jampolsky, Gerald G. Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of
All. New York: Bantam Books, 2000.
Photo credit: Intellimon