This section presents ideas for developing spirituality in one's life:



Exploring Spirituality

Timeless Spirituality: The Rule of St. Benedict 

Spirituality Based on the Lord's Prayer 


The Lord's Prayer: A Framework for a Spirituality for Life 


A Spirituality Sequence


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as life lived in the Spirit of God
can enable you to:

    ·  Address your hunger for depth and meaning in life.


·  Live with greater love, peace, and joy.

·  Better navigate all of life’s circumstances.

·  Experience life more fully and abundantly.

·  Move from self-centredness to more God-centredness.

·  Appreciate the interconnectedness of all life.




The vision experience of the world is but a projection of our mind and the reflection of our inner thoughts. As the thought, so the vision. The colour of the glasses you wear determines the colour of what you see. If you wear red glasses, everything will appear red. If you wear green glasses, everything will be green. Pure thoughts make the world appear pure. If you view things with love and a loving heart, the whole world will appear a reflection of love. (Satha Sai Speaks, Vol. 15, p. 39)

Similar thought: "As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man" (Proverbs 27:19, NIV).



Visitors may also enjoy three sites created by my wife, Eva.
Weaves spirituality themes into its content and includes breathtaking photos from nature.
Presents the essential Christian message in Q & A style, guiding seekers toward life eternal.
Features the theme of seeing in the ordinary, the extraordinary; in the daily, the holy; in the routine, the rare.


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 Spirituality for Life
 What Is Spirituality?
 Aspects of Spirituality
 Forgiveness - Four Steps
 Forgiveness - Vital Aspect
 Forgiveness - Crucial Element
 Forgiveness and Health
 Forgiveness - 10 Truths
 Living with Paradox
 The Trinity
 The Triune God
 Trinity Reflections
 Spiritual Practices
 Communing with God in Nature
 Contemplative Living
 Contemplative Prayer Overview
 Contemplative Path
 A Heart Experience
 The Contemplative and Active
 Lectio Divina
 Christian Meditation
 Meditation to Meaning
 Mindfulness Overview
 Mindfulness in Everyday Life
 Prayer: Lord's Prayer
 Developing Spirituality
 Exploring Spirituality
 Timeless Spirituality
 Lord's Prayer Spirituality
 Spirituality and Lord's Prayer
 A Spirituality Sequence
 Later Life Spirituality
 Longevity and Spirituality
 Thoughts about Life
 Thoughts on Life and Death
 Spirituality Theology
 Reflections and Blog
 Spirituality Quotations
 Loving Kindness Meditation
 Prayer of Trust
 Prayer to Perceive God
 Prayer for Strength and Love
 Abandonment to God
 God Is Love
 New Identity in Christ
 Learning and Growth
 Nature of Truth
 God and Creation
 Anger of Another
 Sacramental Life View
 The Resurrection
 Mystical Wisdom
 Islam's Inclusiveness
 Love, Joy, Obedience
 Peace of Mind
 Peace Versus Violence
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When the night grows chill, don't you draw the blanket closer around you? So, when grief assails you, draw the warmth of the Name of the Lord closer around your mind. (Satha Sai Speaks, Vol. 4, p. 33)

Similar thought: "Our help is in the name of the LORD" (Psalm 124:8, NIV).