Spirituality For Life
Page: What is Spirituality?

What is Spirituality?
Aspects of Spirituality
Spiritual Practices
Theology / Spirituality
Misc. Topics
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 Sun Through Forest Trees 


This section presents the following:


Christian Spirituality

This article deals with three aspects of Christian spirituality: nature of Christian spirituality, developing spirituality, and reflecting spirituality in life.

Spirituality and Human Existence

A definition of spirituality emerges from an understanding of the nature of the whole person. A table, illustrating the nature of the human person, shows the integrated and complex nature of the human being. Spirituality deals with the spiritual dimension of existence and life.


A Broader View of Spirituality

This short article gives a broad-based definition and perspective of spirituality, showing what spirituality encompasses.


Definitions and Descriptions of Spirituality

Eight definitions of spirituality are presented. The focus of each definition is also described.


Reaching One's Potential

Spirituality has to do with becoming a person in the fullest sense.  This involves self-transcendence. “In other words”, writes Main, “each of us is summoned to an unlimited, infinite, development as we leave the narrowness of our own ego behind, and enter into the mystery of God.” It means coming to the fullness of being, the fullness of God himself, as the apostle Paul explains.


Authentic Christian Spirituality

All authentic Christian spirituality is by its nature Trinitarian. The doctrine of the Trinity, with its far-reaching practical implications, constitutes the heart and soul of Christian spirituality. This article presents fifteen principles of contemporary Trinitarian spirituality.


What Is Christian Spirituality?

This article first defines Christian spirituality, and then covers ten aspects of Christian spirituality.


Three Elements of Spirituality

Three components or elements of spirituality include: (1) the transcendent, (2) the personal, and (3) the immanent. These three elements are reflected in the Trinity.


Difference Between Spirituality and Religion

What is the difference is between spirituality and religion? Is there a need for a community, such as a religion?


Community Dimensions of Christian Spirituality

Ten points of the community aspect of Christian spirituality are presented.


The Cycle of Spirituality

Spirituality is not a singular activity, but an integration of different activities, spread out over a shorter or longer period. Theologian David Ranson suggests that spirituality involves four stages of a cycle: attending, inquiring, interpreting, and acting.


Photo credit: Intellimon Ltd.



Spirituality for Life
Interfaith Spirituality
Underlying Premises
What is Spirituality?
Christian Spirituality
Spirituality and Human Existence
A Broader View of Spirituality
Descriptions of Spirituality
Reaching One's Potential
Authentic Christian Spirituality
What Is Christian Spirituality
Three Elements of Spirituality
Spirituality and Religion
Community Aspect of Spirituality
The Cycle of Spirituality
Aspects of Spirituality
Forgiveness - Four Steps
Forgiveness - Vital Aspect
Forgiveness - Crucial Element
Forgiveness and Health
Forgiveness - 10 Truths
Hiddenness of God
Living with Paradox
The Paschal Mystery
The Trinity
The Triune God
Trinity Reflections
Spiritual Practices
Communing with God in Nature
A Country Garden
Sea and Sky
Spring Flowers in Australia
Sunrise and Sunset
By the Lake
By the Sea
Australian Countryside
Springtime Flowers
Spring Flowers
Country Lake
Sunrise Splendor
Late Spring Flowers
Early Light
Morning Walk
Flower Festival
Quiet Waters
Contemplative Living
Contemplative Prayer Overview
Contemplative Path
A Heart Experience
The Contemplative and Active
Lectio Divina
Christian Meditation
Meditation to Meaning
Meditation on Death
Death of Two Young Men
Mindfulness Overview
Mindfulness in Everyday Life
Prayer - Lord's Prayer
Theology / Spirituality
Introduction to Spirituality
Formative Spirituality
Prayer and Prayerfulness
Spirituality of the Heart
Spirituality of Pastoral Care
Spiritual Autobiographies
Writings on the Spiritual Life
The Psalms
Ten Genres of Psalms
God's Kingship in the Royal Psalms
Psalms-Language of Prayer
Psalms 44 and 104
Vengeance Is God's
The Hiddenness of God
Liturgical Spirituality
Liturgy and Spirituality: Definitions
Liturgical Spirituality: Implications
Anglican Spirituality
Book of Common Prayer
Ecology, Cosmology, and Spirituality
Our Picture of the Universe
Mystery at End of Universe
Evolution and God
The Scientific Priesthood
The Ecological Age
Contemporary Economic Model
Aboriginal and Biblical Creation Accounts
Aspects of Aboriginal Religion
Reflections on Nature and Spirituality
Historical Spirituality
Biblical Studies
Old Testament
Creation Theology
Notes from My Notebook
Theodicy: Evil if God Is Good?
Is Suffering from God?
Belief in a Creator God: Implications
New Testament
The Church
History of the Early Church
Mission of the Church
Christian Education
Misc. Topics
Exploring Spirituality
Timeless Spirituality
Lord's Prayer Spirituality
Spirituality and Lord's Prayer
A Spirituality Sequence
Spiritual Traditions
Spiritual Classics
Spirituality Snippets
Spirituality Quotations
Loving Kindness Meditation
Francis of Assisi Prayer
Prayer of Trust
Prayer to Perceive God
Prayer for Strength and Love
Abandonment to God
Look Well to This Day
God Is Love
New Identity in Christ
Learning and Growth
Nature of Truth
God and Creation
Anger of Another
Sacramental Life View
The Resurrection
Mystical Wisdom
Islam's Inclusiveness
Love, Joy, Obedience
Peace of Mind
Peace Versus Violence
Later Life Spirituality
Longevity and Spirituality
Thoughts about Life
Thoughts on Life and Death
Contact Us
Privacy Statement
Personal Background