Here are ideas for reflection:
1. The first and greatest of all spiritual teachers is nature itself.
2. We are a part of nature, and through communing with the natural world we can overcome our
separateness, and awaken an awareness of the Whole.
3. All of nature – the wind, rain, animals, birds, fishes, grass, and stones – can teach us
something about ourselves, and the mystery of existence.
4. The awesome beauty of nature bypasses the rational mind and directly touches the
5. Nature’s rich sensuality overwhelms our cultural conditioning and puts us in touch with the
primal Power of Life.
6. Retreating to the wilderness: Many traditions encourage us to spend time in the wilderness
communing with nature, away from the comforts and hassles of towns and cities.
7. A songbird’s sermon: One day, a Zen master was about to give a sermon when a bird started to
sing. The master said nothing and everyone listened to the bird. When the song stopped, the master announced
that the sermon had been preached and went on his way. (Zen teaching story)
8. Spiritual experiences are natural. Any event can suddenly trigger spontaneous illumination – the
dizzy heights of romantic love, the agony of tragic death, a shaft of sunlight through some trees, the
familiar affection of family life, a kind word from a stranger. All of life is an opportunity to
9. The beauty of nature: Many people who regard themselves as “unreligious” experience spiritual
states through being overcome by the beauty of nature. The 19th-century writer, Richard Jefferies’
love of nature inspired the same spiritual insights as the great saints of the world’s
Nature galleries:
The following pages present pictures from natural settings. Having lived
in crowded cities, it’s my hope that these pictures may provide a momentary lift for
those not able to get away into natural environment at this time.
Nature Gallery 1 - Noela's Country Garden
Nature Gallery 2 - Roses
Nature Gallery 3 - Sea and Sky
Nature Gallery 4 - Spring in Australia
Nature Gallery 5 - Sunrise and Sunset
Nature Gallery 6 - By the Lake
Nature Gallery 7 - By the Sea
Nature Gallery 8 - Australian
Nature Gallery 9 - Spring Time
Nature Gallery 10 - Spring Flowers
Nature Gallery 11 - Late Spring
Source: Timothy Freke, Encyclopedia of Spirituality:
Information and Inspiration to Transform Your Life (New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 2000).