In this section, I share insights about spirituality.

The Inclusiveness of 7th Century Islam

Dealing with the Anger of Another

A Sacramental Understanding of Life   

A Resurrection - Our Great Hope


Mystical Wisdom Is Revealed by the Holy Spirit 










































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Spirituality, defined as life lived in the Spirit of God, will enable you to:


·  End your hunger for depth and meaning in life.

·  Experience life with greater love, peace, and joy.

·  Transcend from self-centredness to God-centredness.

·  Live life in its fullest sense.

·  Be divinely strengthened and empowered in life.

·  Better navigate life’s circumstances.

·  Appreciate the interconnectedness of all life.




Visitors may also enjoy three sites created by my wife, Eva.
Weaves spirituality themes into its content and includes breathtaking photos from nature.
Presents the essential Christian message in Q & A style, guiding seekers toward life eternal.
Features the theme of seeing in the ordinary, the extraordinary; in the daily, the holy; in the routine, the rare.


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 Spirituality for Life
 A Cycle of Peace
 Paths Toward Peace and Violence
 What Is Spirituality?
 Developing Spirituality
 Inclusiveness of Islam
 Anger of Another
 Sacramental View of Life
 The Resurrection
 Mystical Wisdom
 Christian Spirituality [1]
 Christian Spirituality [2]
 Contact Us
 Privacy Statement
 Personal Background
 Site Map


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