It is seeing with eyes of faith, God’s gift to me, that I
begin to see what is beneath the surface of things. A sacramental understanding of life is that beneath the
surface of events, encounters, material matter, things, God is present, drawing me deeper into the mystery of
his Presence. God is in all things – the title of a book by Gerard Hughes.
In perceiving with a sacramental eye, Gerard Manly Hopkins
could write in his poem God’s Grandeur: the world is charged with the
grandeur of God. To see the world thus, is to see the world as a sacrament, God’s hidden presence being
conveyed to me as I undergo what life is.
God reaches us through matter, through materiality. God
reaches us through one another and all Creation. Our faith is not just about words and intellectual
perception. In the reformed traditions there was a stripping away of symbols and ritual for a more rational
kind of religion and a suspicion that ritual was man-made and superstitious. How could material things convey
the grace of God? Matter got in the way. Reason in post-enlightenment society became paramount – and
faith, something mysterious and intangible, has suffered from a sort of science-envy.
Along with symbols went feelings and the deeper movements of the heart and a suspicion of emotion. The Welsh
poet, RS Thomas, wrote of the consequences of this rational tradition in memorable words: “…and Calvin with
his iron pen, turns the Word made flesh into a word again”.
But the reformers also had a point: well aware of the human
tendency to idolatry, using the gift to one’s own ends, distracted by the gift, ignoring the Giver. Trains
are for transporting us from one place to another; train-spotting is a side occupation. Augustine, in his
Confessions, recognised this tendency to idolatry only too well: ‘…I
fell on those lovely things which you have made. I was kept from you by those things, yet had they not
been in you, they would not have been at all.’
Source: Adapted from http://www.stcyprians.org.uk/hom/homily-cc-2005.html
[Photo credit: Intellimon